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Outcomes Conference 2024


Thank you for serving as faculty for

The Outcomes Conference 2024

You will be a pivotal part of making this event a success! We are blessed with a stellar lineup of thought leaders like you in our 2024 faculty, offering practical insights into our nine core teaching tracks!

Our 2024 theme is "Therefore."

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him, he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Hebrews 12:1-2



1. December 15, 2023 – Faculty Registration Deadline

Conference faculty members receive a steeply discounted rate of $299 for the entire conference and must register by December 15, 2023. Select "faculty" in the dropdown box when you register online.

2. March 12, 2024 – Faculty Digital Downloads "Handouts" Due

See digital download submission information below...


See our 2024 Learning Experiences on The Outcomes Conference website!

View Sessions by Day/Time/Track and Learning Experience Type.


Please weave our conference theme, "Therefore," into your presentation. Conference teaching sessions must be:

  • Practical
  • Relevant
  • Compelling
  • Biblically-aligned
  • Transformational
  • Outcomes oriented
  • Interactive

They should be oriented towards leaders of today's Christian nonprofit organizations, although sessions may offer a broad application for any call to Christian leadership regardless of sphere.


Please ensure you that your presentation is interactive. That can include time for questions and answers, feedback, table discussion, idea generation, etc. We find that sessions that fully engage our adult learners best receive the highest evaluation scores.


Presenters have agreed that they will not use the time to promote their organization or its services but share successful practices and takeaways. The quickest way to lower evaluation scores is for faculty members to use sessions for promotional rather than educational purposes.


Please seek to teach content commensurate with your selected teaching level: Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced.


Submit by March 12, 2024 to Donna Bostick at

We ask that you submit a digital download "handout" for your presentation. These are valued by attendees, and can impact the evaluation scores for your session.

Your digital download will be posted in digital format (PDF) so attendees can access them online. We will not provide printed copies of these digital downloads onsite.

  • Digital Download (PDF) Guidelines
    • Your digital download PDF should offer information that complements your presentation.
    • It can include an outline/overview and the key takeaway for attendees.
    • It can offer additional information, including links to recommended resources to go deeper.
    • Please limit your PDF to a max of 3 pages. Less is fine.


We will provide you with a PowerPoint slide template in January 2024. Please do not send us your PowerPoint "slides," as we do not post those. Feel free to offer them in your classroom for attendees to follow up with you directly post-event if you would like to share them.


An Alliance "Moderator" will be assigned to each teaching session. Their role is to introduce you, recognize sponsors, encourage attendees to complete evaluations of your session, and be there to pass along any technology/hotel needs that arise during your session. They will share about continuing education credits as well. They will also be checking the name badges of attendees. The moderator will introduce himself/herself before the start of your session.


Attendees are eligible for NASBA/CPE, CFRE, SHRM, and CCNL credits. Our conference website will feature additional information.


Faculty who also elect to do an onsite exhibit create a win-win opportunity for fruitful relationship-building with attendees. Want to learn more about opportunities to exhibit or sponsor at The Outcomes Conference 2024? See our Prospectus on the Opportunities page.


Please join us in promoting attendance at The Outcomes Conference 2024. We encourage you to contact your social media networks, professional colleagues, and others you think would benefit from inviting them to attend The Outcomes Conference 2024! Our faculty are often our best advocates because you know the incredible quality of the educational content we provide.


Please contact Donna Bostick with any questions you might have at any point leading up to The Outcomes Conference 2024:

We look forward to seeing you in Jacksonville!!

Thank you,

Scott Brown
Christian Leadership Alliance
Vice President, Leadership Experiences and Resources