Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.
Senior Pastor | First Baptist Church of Glenarden
Mainstage | Thursday | Closing General Session
Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. has been preaching the Good News since becoming licensed as a minister in 1973 at 15 years old. From an early age, he developed a love of the Lord and felt called to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
His pastoral Journey began in February 1987 as the senior pastor at Union Bethel Church in King George, VA. His nearly three years of pastoring, he provided the training ground for his upcoming assignment. In October of 1988, Pastor Jenkins learned of the passing of his mentor and pastor of his home church, the First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Dr. John W. Johnson.
One year after Dr. Johnson’s passing, Pastor Jenkins returned to First Baptist to become the seventh shepherd. The fruit of his biblically based teaching is demonstrated in the growth of its church membership between its two compasses located in Landover and Upper Marlboro, MD. He has also overseen the development of the Church’s thriving online campus.
Under the leadership of Pastor Jenkins, First Baptist founded SHABACK! Ministries, Inc., a 501 (c) 3 arm of the Church in 1996. Today, he serves as the chairman emeritus for SMI, which provides clothing, food, education, and other resources in the Washington, D.C., area.
With the support of his wife, Trina, and their loving family, Pastor Jenkins has expanded his ministry beyond the walls of First Baptist. In addition to his senior pastor role, he serves as the board chairman for the National Association of Evangelicals, Project Bridges, and The Skinner Institute and as a board member for the Greater Prince George’s County Business Roundtable.
Pastor Jenkins was formerly on the boards of Bethel University, Denver Seminary, University of Maryland Capital Regional Health, World Vision, Great Dads, Teen Challenge, and a local bank.
Pastor Jenkins served as the vice president / executive director of National Ministries for Converge for two years. Converge – a movement of over 1,600 churches that start and strengthen churches and spread the gospel worldwide with more than 240 missionaries. He recently made history when he was appointed as president of Converge in September 2022, making him the first African American to lead the 170-year-old organization.
In 2022, Pastor Jenkins received an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Denver Seminary in Littleton, CO; in 2011, he received an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Southern California School of Ministry in Inglewood, California.
Pastor Jenkins has traveled the world preaching and teaching about the love of Jesus Christ. Pastoring First Baptist since 1989, he remains steadfast in his question to “develop dynamic disciples.” He is recognized as a catalyst to help individuals develop into lifelong Christian disciples who follow the Lord.
Despite his many obligations as a licensed pilot, Pastor Jenkins takes great delight in flying and holds his role as a family man as the highest treasure. He and his wife Trina are the proud parents of six children and seven grandchildren.